You can find here below the links to the videos of the conference, intensive course and GSG workshop available from the X ProGEO Symposium, which took place last June 2021.
Plenary conference
"Geological Heritage and UNESCO Global Geoparks: Memory of the Earth, future for the people"
Dr. Asier Hilario presents a broad reflection about geoconservation
based on his personal view and international experience. He talks about
the great opportunity of the renewed IUGS Global Geosites programme,
and explains the importance of UNESCO Global Geoparks as key actors
for the visibility of geoconservation worldwide. The importance of an
emotional communication, a real social engagement and a good capacity
for empathy will also be critically analyzed as key topics for the future of
Intensive course on geoconservation
First part of the intensive course, about the basic concepts most frequently used in geoconservation:
Second part of the intensive course, focused on the methodology for the inventory of geological heritage in order to better plan management and sustainable use towards geoheritage conservation:
The Key Geoheritage Areas initiative of the Geoheritage Specialist Group of WCPA (IUCN)
A workshop to discuss the overall vision and goals for the proposed Key Geoheritage Areas (KGA) initative, and steps to move forward in conjunction with the new IUGS Global Geosites project.
Welcome We are pleased to invite you to attend the inaugural meeting of ProGEO's Southwest Europe Regional Working Group to be held in Caravaca de la Cruz, southeastern Spain, from Wednesday 15th to Saturday 18th of September 2010. Many regional meetings of the different Working Groups of ProGEO have been organized at variable intervals under the sponsorship of a local host national group volunteering to patronize an event of this kind. The organization of a Southwest Regional Working Group encompassing France, Italy, Portugal and Spain has been delayed for too long. The Spanish members of ProGEO have decided to take the opportunity provided by the Municipal Council of Caravaca, which has graciously offered to sponsor the conference, in cooperation with the IGCP Spanish National Committee and the Commission on Geological Heritage of the Geological Society of Spain. We therefore invite all members of ProGEO from France, Italy and Portugal to join us and present their experienc...
The European Association for the Conservation of Geoheritage (ProGEO) has published a book on " Geoheritage in Europe and its conservation ". The book includes contributions from a total of 37 countries, including for each of them a review of the most important geosites, a history of geoconservation in that country, and a summary of policies, strategies and legal framework. The book can be bought through the web page of ProGEO here and a flyer can be downloaded here . You can check the latest ProGEO newsletter here , with more information on the book and its contents.
Latest news: Due to the current pandemic of coronavirus, the X ProGEO Symposium has been postponed to next year 2021 . Please, check the web page below for further information. Do not miss the X International ProGEO Symposium , to take place in June 2021 at Segovia (Spain). Geological heritage at its best! This is the official web portal: Check also these web portals for tourism and services in Segovia:
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