Long time with no news... Here are some links to international geoconservation events for this year 2014 and a preview for 2015.
Portal web page of 3rd YES Congress and CAG25 |
3rd Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress, 25th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG25) and 15th Conference of the Geological Society of Africa will take place 11-16th of August 2014 at Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
Here is a link to the main web page of the event. Several geoconservation activities are planned as follows:
- During the YES congress (11-13 August), a training work
shop (TW1) on Geoparks, Geotourism and Geoconservation for Sustainable Development of Africa will take place, including an intensive course on concepts and methodologies.
- During the CAG25 (14-16 August), another training workshop (TW2) on
Geoheritage: a tool for local Sustainable Development in Africa will take place, as well as a workshop (TW4) on the results of the feasibility study
Geoscientific Knowledge and Skills in African Geological Surveys between OAGS (Organization of African Geological Surveys) - EGS (EuroGeoSurveys). This will be an opportunity for all those interested in geoconservation in Africa to discuss on the big Pan-African project 2015–2020, which includes a specific work package on geoheritage.
6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks will take place 19-22 September 2014 at Saint John (New Brunswick, Canada), within Stonehammer Geopark, the first one in North American.
Here is the link to their web page.
Portal web page of 2nd ICAGME |
2nd International Conference on Geoparks in Africa and Middle East (ICGAME) will take place 1-4 October 2014 at Dakar (Senegal).
Here is a link to their web page.
Portal web page of the World Parks Congress |
5th World Parks Congress will take place 12-19 November 2014 in Sidney (Australia).
Here is a link to their web page. It is organized by the World Comission on Protected Areas (WCPA) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and takes place every 10 years. This year, and for the first time ever, it will include activities on geodiversity and geoheritage, including a thematic session, several presentations, a round table, an e-poster, videos, fieldtrips and more.
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